


To support you in starting your own journey in implementing the uCANRise Theory of Change and Promising Practices, we've developed a set of tools to get you started.

We'd love to hear about your results with them.

A Guide to Using the uCANRise TOC Tool-min.jpg

Empower Students: Leveraging the uCANRise Theory of Change to Support Student-Led Movements for Educational Equity guide,  slideshow, and 20 Promising Practices Handout

The uCANRise Theory of Change is a powerful tool for introducing staff, advisors, and students to the vision of student-led movements for educational equity that impact students' campuses, home communities, and future careers. This slideshow, handout, and guide are designed to be used in conjunction with uCANRise's Empowering Students two ways – for training college access and success staff members and advisors to support students using the uCANRise Theory of Change and Promising Practices, and to directly train students and other student-led movement stakeholders.

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The Guide for Student Advocates to Build and Sustain Social Justice Campaigns, Movements, and Student-Led Movement Organizations

Students know their campuses and communities best, better than any outside experts, and about how to build their own movements for change. With the right tools at their disposal, students can truly create a more fair and just world for themselves, for their communities, and for future generations. With Max Lubin, the founder of Rise, we created this guide to ground both your staff and your students in the current landscape of student-led advocacy and student-led social movement organizations.


Getting Ready for Legislative Visits

This tool and the included student-facing handout is intended for college access and success staff and advisors implementing Promising Practices #13: Take them to Sacramento. The guide includes suggestions and activities for training students on how to prepare for visits with electeds. After engaging in this workshop, students will be able not only to prepare for and make strategic visits to elected officials in order to support their educational equity goals, but also to prepare and lead others – including other students on their campuses and community residents and other stakeholders – for successful legislative visits.